
Welcome! I am a data/web/software/cloud developer/engineer/architect with experience playing in all parts of the full stack and a strong history in geospatial data. It's hard to pin down one of the many hot labels floating around these days to describe all that I do in the modern, computer programming world. This is my little ditty of a profile, resume, or whatever you'd like to call it.
I'm exceptionally driven. Music is medicine. Comedy is a crucial necessity to be applied to all things in life. I am an individual. We are all individuals.

I heavily dig open source software; prioritizing it's utilization in every project whenever appropriate. I've been designing, building, and maintaining AWS architecture and developer operations since 2016 and it's my primary professional passion. My career roots from data and my university education in Geospatial Information Systems. It has naturally evolved with the rapid growth of technology to include web & software development, backend process engineering, cloud infrastructure engineering, and developer operations.

Currently located in Austin, Texas


  • Bachelor of Science - Salisbury University - Salisbury, MD (2005 to 2009)
  • Studied Geography with a concentration on geospatial data and Geographic Information Systems
  • DevOps Engineering on AWS - Global Knowledge (March 2020)
  • Countless hours and late nights of persevering problem solving, hands-on experience, and self-teaching (2013 to Present)

Operating Systems

Sincere preference to UNIX operating systems.

Database Management


Texas Natural Resources
Information System

Currently employed @ TNRIS.
GIS data provider, historical aerial archive, LiDAR facilitator, and community leader


Cloud Architecture & DevOps

Software Languages, Packages, & Engines


A couple visual projects.

Web Mapping & Visualization
